The Action Navigator Course

I help Neurospicy Spoonies just like you.

I help neurodivergent spoonies who are done feeling like a failure and a burden go from doing things the neurotypical, able-bodied, and toxic way, to mastering a toolset for genuine self-care and a bias toward action, so they can finally believe in and trust themselves enough to spend their precious time and energy the way they want.

Why a course?

While I started my business providing one-on-one coaching, I learned over time that it was less effective for two primary reasons:

  1. I’m a Neurodivergent Spoonie, too. My capacity varies widely, and my ability to be “on” is inconsistent. Sometimes I would give a coaching call while running on empty and feel frustrated with myself that I couldn’t help my client the way I know I’m capable of. A course solves this problem because it allows me to pre-record all of the things that I want each and every one of my clients to learn so they can get the best of what I have to offer, regardless of how I’m feeling from day to day.

  2. I want to help as many people as possible while also earning a living. That simply is not possible with a one-on-one model because I don’t have the spoons for the number of coaching calls it would require each week.

I have designed this course thoughtfully from the ground up to center my amazing clients and give them everything they need to succeed and meet their goals. They have access to the best of what I have to offer through my pre-recorded course, my private Discord community, and also ongoing group coaching calls with me (these are included with the cost of the course and are not an additional fee).

Wary of a group format?

I know how scary the idea of a group format can be, especially in the context of chronic illness, neurodivergence, mental health, trauma, and productivity. These can be very difficult topics, especially since our society heavily shames Neurodivergent Spoonies.

Creating a safe community is profoundly important to me, and I can confidently say that everyone inside this program gets it.

The safety, empathy, and understanding waiting for you inside this community is transformational.

If you resonate with my work and have been seeking “your people,” we’re right here. Can’t wait to meet you. 💖